Month One: Results

Over the past month (I officially went vegan on September 24th) I have lost 10 lbs.  The swelling in my legs goes down every night.  A month ago it basically never went down.  I went on vacation to Disneyland all last week and lost 2 lbs.  The only food I bought in the park were two bananas and bottled water.  The only cheat I had was some cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory because I was on vacation.  I regretted it and felt like crap.

I crave fresh fruits and vegetables, and green smoothies in particular now.  I literally left cheese in the dish last night instead of putting it on my veggie fajitas and a month ago that would have never happened.  I just didn't want it because it would dilute the flavors of the vegetables.  I don't give a rip about how many calories or points I am eating every day.  I just stick to beans, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and nuts a few times a week if I feel like it.  

I am fascinated with food and love it!  Not because I have cravings or addictions, but because of how I feel when I eat like this.  I 

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