Ocean Avenue WheySmart Shake Comparison

Ocean Avenue WheySmart Shake Comparison

Eventually I knew someone would figure out an Ocean Avenue WheySmart Shake Comparison.  These are definitely the shakes that people ask me about the most - how does it compare?  These are the Whey based shakes that are the most popular on the market today.  Ocean Avenue WheySmart is the only shake with the Undenatured Whey Protein.  It has the lowest calories and the lowest number of carbs and sugars and sodium.  It doesn't have soy protein and it is gluten free.  WheySmart helps with glutathione production, a vital antioxidant that our body produces, but that decreases as we age.  Glutathione has been discussed by Dr. Oz and Dr. Mark Hyman as the "mother of all antioxidants".  Everyone in the family can drink WheySmart, and the vanilla bean flavor blends will with a variety of fruits, or it is fantastic on its own!  To hear more about WheySmart, click on the video below! 

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