I'm Back in the Saddle...Again


I took a blogging hiatus this Spring while working on selling our old house and trying to get my groove back.  Sometimes I have sat down with a new post open and nothing...nothing...nothing.

Anyway, it's been a busy Spring and fortunately business has been good.  I've been doing my "Sanity Sessions" fast tracks with small business owners through Launching Women, building a network of digital content providers at Wisdom Window, and finding a sponsor for all of the things I am doing lately by working with Modere

Throw in homeschool and summer and sitting on my deck watching the ducks go by and I'm pretty content with my amount of bus-i-ness.

Last Saturday we cleaned off the deck and got it organized.  It can now seat 12 for dinner.  Then I planned a dinner, but it isn't for a couple of weeks so the challenge is keeping it clean.  Still - I have gone out every day a few times a day to sit and eat or read or just sit.  It's very peaceful and like being on vacation. 

I wasn't kidding about the ducks going by.  This is the crew I like to call Lady Gaggle.  They rule the backyard, the creek, and sometimes the front yard if they so desire.  They are loud sometimes, and other times we don't hear them.  And they will let us pet them if we want, which I don't. 

So that's the update on this end.  What are your plans for the summer?

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